
I haven't been able to write for three (main) reasons:
1. Been drunk
2. Been tierd
3. Felt like crap

This weekend has been rocknroll in every aspect. My days ended 6 in the morning and started again at 14. I've hit my head so it started to blead, good extremly high on koffein and consumed a grat amount of alcohol. I haven't sleept more than a couple of houres due to a boy in my bed to beautiful to stop looking at and to nice to stop touching. It was great while it lasted but now, first day of school, I faceplanted in reality. I've hit my head so hard on the brick wall of academia that i fainted. Skiped my last lesson, and got home. Bed. Sleep. Now. Wierd dreams and when I woke up I had the illusion that I had never slept. Now the remedy is coffee and food, my body just needs a day of peace and then I can start manipulating it again.


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