Last night is a memory

Last night I spent on a urin smelling russian pub (run'd by I bunch of vietnamese guys) with a friend. He is 27 and they still asked for his ID at the door. That just totally made the evening but to be kind and show that I was mature I bought the first round of beers. We good drunk pretty quicklly as beer works like magic on both of us, we can't explain it! Wasted in the russian place we started discussing deep philosofy
- I don't believe in intelligence M!
- Please E develope that extremely interesting theory!
We talked a lot and drank cheep beer surrounded by white trash chicks and pretty boys. I came home still drunk and just crashed in my bed. Slept a black night, no dreams no nothing. And when the alarm went off in the morning I just put something on and went to eat breakfast with  my dad. Continued to a meeting and then ended up in a cosy cafe on Söder talking about the phenomenon of "placebo sex".
1&2_ DW for some Vogue thing


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